Remember Your Why & Feel the Power of Being Unstoppable!

For me, my “why” is deeply personal. All the way to why I started working out in the first place, before owning a gym was even a twinkle in my eye. I have seen firsthand how health and fitness can transform lives, and I’ve seen how the lack of it can slowly take that same life away.

Watching Loved ones Struggle

One of the hardest things I’ve experienced is watching people I care about struggle with their health. I’ve seen friends and family members lose their vitality - not necessarily because they didn’t want to live a healthy life, but because their health had deteriorated to the point where they couldn’t do every day activities. How are they here? It’s usually 1 of 2 reasons:

  1. Health & fitness wasn’t made a priority

  2. They were misinformed of WHAT health & fitness is.

The Misinformation Epidemic

There is a LOT of information out on social media. Some of it is excellent, most of it is subpar and not factual. From fad diets, to extreme workout routines that promise “fast results”, it’s frustrating to watch people fall victim to the latest trend, only to hurt themselves, find that they’ve wasted their money, or that the promised benefits don’t materialize. I’ve seen MANY of my friends and family (and also myself for several years!) get caught up in these vicious cycles - trying diet after diet, workout after workout and not find happiness or long-term results.

This is a great place to share that this is why Juggernaut Fitness and our coaches are SO powerful! We focus on education, sustainable practices and SAFE, effective fitness that is accessible to everyone, regardless of where they are starting from! We teach people how to move in ways that keep them active as far into life as possible. education on how to fuel bodies vs. starve them and most importantly - how to stay disciplined in this journey because we find your true “Why”.

A Healthier Vision

The image of health is often portrayed as this perfectly chiseled body, being incredibly thin, or an extreme level of athleticism . It’s such a narrow, unrealistic light. Health is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It is unique to the individual. Health is about feeling good, having energy, being able to do the things you love and most importantly, taking care of yourself and those you love for the long term! THAT, is a powerful vision that I want to chase and help others achieve! I, my wonderful husband, and incredible coaches, are here to redefine the vision of health and empower all who embark on their journey with us, to embrace this definition of health to its fullest! Regardless of age, weight or fitness level! We’re going to dig deep and find what health is for YOU.

Everyone Deserves Health

At the heart of all of this, what really drives me is the belief that everyone deserves to be healthy. Health is not a luxary reserved for the select few; it’s a basic human right! We all deserve the education and opportunity to improve our well-being.

The Takeaway: Remember Your Why

When the work becomes overwhelming and the challenges seem insurmountable, I remember my why, and encourage others do the same! When you find your true “why”, you will feel unstoppable. And I hope that I can help you achieve this incredible feeling 💪


Let’s talk about FAT, baby!